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A Belgium based company is looking for wholesaler or distrib...
created · Updated
Deadline: Feb 23, 2024
Received 0 expressions of interest


The company is based in Belgium. It is a versatile business company and the producer and supplier of biodegradable disposable tableware. The products are 100% sustainable non-food items such as plates, bowl, cups and cutlery. The company is looking to expand and distribute their products to other European countries. The company can sell directly or with the business partner's brand name on the product.


A Belgian company makes disposable tableware from fallen Palm Leaves and is the producer and supplier of eco-friendly disposable food packaging, tableware and cutlery. The main goal of the company is to reduce the plastic products and increase the usage of biodegradable tableware and products. The wastage from the production can be used for animal food so everything in the cycle is used for purposes. The entire supply chain process is sustainable and there are no chemical or artificial methods used. It is a 100% eco-friendly product and suitable for Micro wave and oven with all types of food. The company is actually looking for wholesalers and retailers located in the EU. The cooperation between the partners could be based on distribution agreements.

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Gemelos Digitales Sector Renovables

Deadline: Jan 31, 2025
Proyecto de investigación de las tecnologías y arquitecturas necesarias para el desarrollo de Gemelos Digitales aplicados a renovables, plantas fotovoltaicas y aerogeneradores, principalmente. Buscamos nuevas tecnologías para integrar y partners para ayudarnos en la investigación y desarrollo de las distintas tecnologías.

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Daniel Mesas Manzano
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